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Alia Skin Care

The Alia Skin Care natural cosmetics line was born with the aim of investing in the resources and traditions of the Sicilian territory, creating highly performing and high-quality formulas.

Sicilian sensoriality and warmth, through the natural scents, enveloping textures and warm colours of the Mediterranean.

Innovation, effectiveness, quality and safety are the guidelines that Alia Skin Care follows for the development of all its products, 100% made in Italy.

Formulas with ingredients of natural origin, vegan and organic. Even in the packaging we wanted to respect the environment, with the use of a recycled and recyclable material.

Alia Skin Care packaging reflects the historic Sicilian art of majolica painting.
In fact, all Alia Skin Care products are born from the creation of Sicilian majolica handmade by a local artist.

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